Like Scrabble? Wish you could play with family and friends who are miles away? Now it's possible with the online Crossword script. Great, realistic, Scrabble-style action Letter bag, personal tray, password protected Automatic turn sequencing and email updates Unlimited simultaneous games Online rule book Winner announcements Administrative controls such as game deletion, score adjustment, and more. Offensive language filterning Two, three, and four player games Ability to send a message to other players on each move Advertisement potential- put your ad in each email message Letter bag viewing and swapping of letters Unplayed games automatically deleted Version information included on admin screen Unlimited UNDO for each play Complete support Free updates This script has received a lot of attention. Because it's server based, and not Java based (Java and JavaScript are dependent on the users browser), WebTV users love it. There are plans in the works to add a more extensive admin section allowing the administrator to control advertisements both on the gane screen and in the emails, as well as have access to deleting, point correcting, and more. Now is a great time to purchase the registered version of the Online Crossword Game. New!Thanks to a fellow programmer, Jim Melanson, this script now calculates points automatically at each turn.